We have no minimum order!
- Common Carriers
- Ground Delivery
All shipments are FOB and shipped via the best way. If special routing is desired, the customer must indicate this request when placing the order.
All shipments must be thoroughly inspected for any damage before signing. CCF is not responsible for shipments that are not signed for as damaged upon arrival.
Changes and cancellations can be made within 24 hours of receiving your order confirmation. After 24 hours, an additional charge may be added. Cost to be determined at time of change.
Production will begin after your final review, acceptance and confirmation has been received in writing.
Carefully review all confirmation orders upon receipt. Please CALL to correct any errors. Production will not begin until receipt of a signed faxed confirmation.
Online through our ordering system, email or faxed at 724-727-3015
CCF prefers website or faxed submitted orders to avoid any verbal errors. Please always double check your confirmation orders to avoid any errors.
With emailed or faxed orders, expect a quote back within an hour during business hours of 9am and 4pm est.
The fastest way to receive instant pricing is by using our online ordering system at